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大学英语作文:你喜欢早起还是晚起?Would you like to get up early or late?

时间:2016-08-16 14:58:30 来源:中国英语作文网

When I was a kid and didnt want to go to bed early, my father always used to say, The early bird gets the worm. I certainly knew what he meant: people who stay up late at night arent able to get up early and take full advantage of the new days opportunities. Im not sure how wise I am, but I can certainly feel that getting a good nights sleep and an early start helps me do a full days work. I However, every job or task always has unforeseen problems and complications. A trip to the] post office seems simple enough, but could be complicated and lengthened by heavy traffic, forgetting to bring money or addresses, or long lines. When I need to do many things in a day, a| delay at the post office can negatively affect all of my other tasks. To minimize these potential negative effects, I try and get an early start that leaves me plenty of time later in the day to finish my other tasks. Another important reason to get up before 8:00 a.m. is that businesses usually start their workdays by 9:00 a.m. at the latest. A person who wakes up at 10:00 a.m. has already lost two precious business hours. This gives them less time to go to the bank, the post office, or deal with any company or government office that keeps regular business hours. people who get up early have the extra benefit of all of the hours of a full business day during which they can be more productive than they can during non-business hours. Finally, getting up early and going to sleep early is a fairly standard schedule to which most of society adheres. If I adhere to it as well, I will have more time to spend with my family and friends. If I get up late and stay up late, I will not only lose opportunities to interact with others during business hours, I will also lose chances to interact with people because they are asleep! This would, be all right if I were a hermit, but since I enjoy the company of others, I prefer to be an early bird.
