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广东汕头溃堤Guangdong Shantou Dam Bursts

时间:2016-08-18 16:09:27 来源:中国英语作文网

Although "Utor" has gone, manyplaces of Guangdong are still suffering rain storm disaster by the influence ofmonsoon. There are multiple burst dams in Lianjiang of puning, resulting in eightdeaths. Because of the heavy rain in Chaonan District of Shantou City, the damsburst and then salt water intrusion, making at least two people drowning.


According to the Guangdong provincial CivilAffairs Department report, because of the influence of the strong typhoon"utor" and its residual nephsystem, most parts of the province are sufferingflood, landslide and debris flow disasters. As a result, there are eighteen municipalitiesin Guangdong province and 4160000 people suffering the disaster, causing twentydeath and seven missing, 513000 people evacuated, 19000 houses collapsed andseverely damaged, 7000 houses general damaged, and 4900000000 yuan economiclosses directly.
