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苏富比将拍卖中国画家画的查尔斯王子像Sothebys is Going to Sell a Prince Charles Portrait

时间:2016-08-18 16:09:33 来源:中国英语作文网
This is the first time that the painting of prince Charles drawn by ever by Chinese painter appearing at Sotheby's.有史以来第一次由一名中国画家为英国王储查尔斯王子所作的肖像画在苏富比拍卖行亮相。

The portrait of prince Charles drawn by Yan peiming who is a Chinese contemporary artist enjoying a high international visibility will be shown to the public four days before the charity auction on October 16th.


This black and white portrait is not drawn in the way that prince Charles sits in front of the painter, but Yan peiming takes some pictures of prince Charles for reference.


Yan peiming says the portrait reveals the feeling of the times, and he hopes to express the eternal, universal and infinity of human beings through the black and white drawing.


Yan peiming believes Charles represents one of the greatest Dynasties in Europe.
