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兼职工作 Part

时间:2017-06-20 17:35:20 来源:中国英语作文网
兼职工作 Part I am a middle school student. I am active. I like going out to play. Recently, I am fond of skating. I want a pair of skating shoes, but my mother doesn’t allow, because she worries about me to be hurt in playing. So, I want to find a part-time job to earn money to buy a pair of skating shoes. I am always free at weekends. During the weekday, I think I can’t have spare to work. I am tough and I am willing to do everything I can do. Anyone has the information about part-time job, please recommend to me.我是一名中学生。我很活泼开朗。我喜欢出去玩。最近,我迷上了溜冰。我想要一双溜冰鞋,可是我妈妈不允许,因为她担心我会受伤。所以,我想找份兼职来挣钱买一双滑冰鞋。周末我一般都是有空的。星期一到星期五,我觉得我没有多余的时间工作。我很能吃苦耐劳的,而且我愿意做我能做的任何工作。谁有关于兼职的信息,请向我推荐一下。