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中考英语作文:Found 寻物记事

时间:2016-08-16 15:22:52 来源:中国英语作文网

假定你是初三班的李霞,你五月十四日晚上在阅览室里丢失了一个绿色书包,内有两本英语书,一个铅笔盒,一个Mp3及自行车钥匙。你非常着急。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您



I left a green school bag in the reading-room on the evening of Many 14. There are two English books,a pencil-box , an Mp3 player and the key to the bike in it. Now Im very worried about it . Will the finder return it to Li Xia of Class 1, Grade 3? 班的李霞吗?)Thanks a lot!